Teddy’s T-Shirt

$25 - Small to XXXL

Comfort Colors T-Shirt

Teddy’s Tote Bag


Cotton canvas tote bag with velcro closure with the Teddy’s Seal on one side.

Teddy’s / B&P Tote Bag


Cotton canvas tote bag with velcro closure with the Teddy’s Seal on one side and the Beer and Provisions logo on the other.


Teddy’s Pint Glass

$8 - Single / $15 - 2 Pack / $29 - 4 Pack

16oz Pint Glass

Teddy’s Belgian Glass

$9.50 - Single / $18 2 Pack

16oz Belgian Glass

Teddy’s Koozie


Black 3” diameter koozie that fits most canned and bottled beverages.


Teddy’s Bottle Opener


Polished wood bottle opener

Teddy’s / B&P Gift Card

$10 minimum

Gift card is good for both Teddy’s Bar & Grill and Beer and Provisions use.